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  • Writer's pictureandrewgerardphotog

It's a rainy day in L.A... and a Forest Fire?

"It's a rainy Day in LA..." became the inspired first line of my newest single "Right kind of Love" as it poured rain down harder then ever as Ran Pink and I pull into Fonogenic Studios in Van Vuys.

"Forest Fire" is the second track recorded on the next album.

I was excited, nervous, and a little scared if I am being honest as I stepped into the studio to track 2 new songs, here is why.

Excited....A few weeks ago I came across a you tube channel of well know L.A. session guitarist Tom Strahle (who has written and played on numerous albums for many artist like Justin Beiner, Taylor Swift etc )

I watched a few of his videos where Tom teaches everything from useful tips on playing/recording acoustic guitar in the studio etc

I left a thank you comment and then a day later I woke up to see Tom had made a couple of nice comments on 2 of my music videos! that was awesome. Then I decided to reach out and sent Tom a message to get some feedback on a new song I have just recorded "We Fall" and after a few emails I decided to ask Tom if he would consider working with a new artist like myself and come into the studio to play on a couple of songs.


Tom showed up with a trunk full of awesome guitars including a cool hight strung parlour guitar which came in handy. I must admit, I told myself I wasn't going to be a guitarist today, and wanted Tom's experience and input to shine through...moments later we are sitting on the couch playing together...

I show Tom the progressions for both tracks and instantly he goes to work. Him and Ran working back and forth layering tracks of guitars and they sound amazing.

I had to leave the room and go sit in the hall for a moment.

Scared... I am singing both songs 2 half steps up higher than I wrote them in. This puts my voice into a risky area, I thought that all my practicing would need to come handy here and started to think I should be conscious of all the mechanics of singing etc, then something happened.

I forgot everything and I just sang the words... the words are important and when I think about what the song meant to me, it all came naturally.

Nervous..maybeI was actually scared that my friend and Producer Ran would not like these new songs, he is always saying I should do whatever it is that I genuinely feel is honest and best. During mixing Ran said, "Today I felt like I had a professional singer in the booth... I was really impressed" For a moment I wondered if someone else was recording in the studio in a mother room? LOL

Ran doesn't pay out compliments lightly and always says what he means and means what he says. Which tis probably why we work together so well.

Catching a plane to go film music videos with my director and pal Fisher in -20 degree weather in the Rocky Mountains.

I have always been a bit off a loaner, but having a team of people that believe in you can give you the confidence to do what you dream.


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